

VOPP Workshop 2018

International workshop June 22–23, 2018 



official hashtag: #vopproject

[Facebook event]


 Social Media Policy

It is a concern of the workshop as well as of the whole project to keep the discussion and scientific communication as open as possible. For this reason, the workshop should serve on the one hand as a real, but on the other hand also as a virtual discussion platform, namely as part of science-to-science as well as science-to-public communication activities.

In order to do this we are using social media because they are excellently suited for this kind of activities as they offer all participants an augmented virtual communication platform. This concept is particularly aiming at the interested public and at colleagues who do not attend the workshop.

For this reason, the published workshop program (scheldue, topics, lecturers) as well as further relevant information of the workshop are actively communicated under the strict consideration of privacy issues via the social media channels of Roman Rural Landscapes, in particular Twitter.

The project's hashtag #vopproject is used for the workshop. The participants are invited to use this hashtag and participate in the workshop with their own social media accounts.

Please also note our netiquette:

Here we point out, also with regard to copyright issues, that every user is responsible for his/her contribution. The user promises not to post content that violates applicable law or that violates the rights of others. In particular, the user shall obtain explicit permission by the respective speakers to publish contents which are not owned by the user (especially pictures of presentations slides). Racist, pornographic, misanthropic, abusive, or indecent content is prohibited. We reserve the right to edit or delete multiple postings or content violating these rules. Please report violations and request removal by contacting
