
Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum | Open Science

The PhD project wants to actively contribute to the idea of Open Science. Therefore, digital copies of all contributions will be available as download for free and are provided under a CC BY 4.0 license wherever possible at this portal. In addition, the project's outputs are systematically recorded and made public at u:cris, the Current Research Information System (CRIS) of the University of Vienna. Furthermore, the project's digital research data (provided under a CC BY 4.0 license or similar) are available via Phaidra at this portal for free to guarantee an unrestricted open access to the data.


Showing entries 1 - 7 out of 7



Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Studying the ancient hinterland of a Roman province. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Berlin: ScienceOpen. 2020, Online poster publication.

Publications: Other publicationOther

Digitale Archäologie in einer sozialen Dimension: Überlegungen zu sozialer Inklusion und Open Science in der digitalarchäologischen Praxis. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Akten des 17. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften, Klassische und Frühägäische Archäologie der Universität Salzburg vom 26. bis 28. Februar 2018. ed. / Lydia Berger; Lisa Huber; Felix Lang; Jörg Weilhartner. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg, 2020. p. 121-130 (ArchaeoPlus : Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Vol. 11).

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Archäologische Georadarmessungen im Stift Göttweig. / Langendorf, Alarich; Steininger, Andreas; Lindinger, Volker et al.
Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2020. ed. / Franz Pieler; Jakob Maurer. Asparn an der Zaya: MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, 2020. p. 87.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

Digitizing the Roman Rural Landscape in Noricum: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen digitalarchäologischer Studien zum Hinterland einer römischen Provinz. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2020. ed. / Franz Pieler; Jakob Maurer. Asparn an der Zaya: MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, 2020. p. 63-70.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings


Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur römischen Besiedlung im Hinterland Nord-Noricums. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2019. ed. / Franz Pieler; Peter Trebsche. Asparn a. d. Zaya: Wissenschaftliche Publikationen aus den Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, 2019. p. 99-107.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Showing entries 1 - 7 out of 7

 Phaidra | Open Data und Langzeitarchivierung

Data related to the PhD project "Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum" may be obtained via the long term archiving system Phaidra of the University of Vienna.


o:2090220 I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones : Open Research Data Collection

Objects found (3)

I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones : Open Supplementary Data
This dataset contains supplemental data linked to the paper titled “I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st — 5th century AD)” The data is... show more
This dataset contains supplemental data linked to the paper titled “I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st — 5th century AD)” The data is stored in a GeoPackage (.gpkg) geodatabase format (http://www.geopackage.org), utilizing the EPSG:31256 (https://epsg.io/31256) and EPSG:4326 (https://epsg.io/4326) coordinate reference systems. Unless stated otherwise, EPSG:31256 was used. The dataset includes therefore a comprehensive set of layers structured into various thematic categories related to archaeological and spatial analysis, particularly focused on Roman frontier zones, and aims to facilitate easy replication and verification of the results presented in the paper. Below is the full list of layers organized by their thematic categories: 1. Sites and Investigation Areas - geom_AOI_LIMESITES: Sites related to Roman frontier zones. - auxiliary camps - watchtowers - town - geom_TRAISMAUER_VICUS_ROADS: Roads related to the Traismauer vicus as outlined in the paper. - geom_SITES_DBSCAN_CENTROIDS: Centroid point of each site derived from the clustering analysis applying DBSCAN. - geom_STUDY_REGION: Polygon delineating the study region. - AOI: Area of Interest - AOSI: Area of Special Interest 2. Analyses - Spatial Social Network Analysis: - geom_AOSI_GRAPH_NETWORK_NODES (EPSG:4326): Nodes of the social graph network (id 20 points to Aelium Cetium [Site-ID 2] and was not further considered during analysis). - geom_AOSI_GRAPH_NETWORK_EDGES (EPSG:4326): Edges representing connections between the nodes of the graph network. - geom_AOSI_SPATIAL_NETWORK_EDGES_MST: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of the spatial network. - geom_AOSI_SPATIAL_NETWORK_EDGES_XTENT_K1_A1-5: Extended network edges using the XTENT model with parameters k = 1 and a = 1,5. - Visibility Analysis: - geom_AOI_OBSERVERPOINTS: Points used as observer locations in visibility analysis. - raster_AOI_CUMULATIVE_VIEWSHEDS: Raster representing cumulative viewsheds from the observer points. - Least-cost Analysis: - Least-cost Paths: - geom_AOSI_LCP: Least-cost path lines for AOSI region. - geom_AOI_LCP: Least-cost path lines for AOI region. - Friction and Cost Surfaces: - raster_AOSI_COSTSURFACE_TOBLER_MINUTES: Raster friction surface using Tobler’s hiking function (in minutes) for AOSI region. - raster_AOI_COMBINED_COSTSURFACE_RECLASSIFIED: Reclassified combined friction surface for AOI region. 3. Topography - raster_AOI_DTM_10X10METERS_SLOPE: Digital Terrain Model (DTM) raster showing slope data at a 10x10 meter resolution, serving as basis for the combined friction surface. 4. Hydrology - raster_AOI_FLOODS_300YEARS_RECLASSIFIED: Raster showing reclassified flood data for a 300-year flood event, serving as basis for the combined friction surface . - raster_AOI_RIVER_ERLAUF_RECLASSIFIED: Reclassified raster of the Erlauf river, serving as basis for the combined friction surface. - raster_AOI_RIVERS_FLADNITZ_MANK_MELK_PIELACH_RECLASSIFIED: Reclassified raster of the rivers Fladnitz, Mank, Melk, and Pielach, serving as basis for the combined friction surface. 5. Basemap - OpenStreetMap: Basemap layer provided by OpenStreetMap (OSM). - Consortium of Ancient World Mappers: Basemap layer provided by Horne, R., Talbert, R., Becker, J., Twele, R., Jo, A., Belanger, R., Hagemann, L., Lee, A., Bowen, J., Butler, M., et al. Consortium of Ancient World Mappers Map Tiles. The Consortium of Ancient World Mappers and the Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio at the University of Iowa, 2022, https://cawm.lib.uiowa.edu. The dataset also includes a project file containing styling information for the layers, making it easier to understand the structure and replicate the visual representation of the data as intended.
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I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones : Open Ground Truthing Photoset
This dataset contains supplemental data linked to the paper titled “I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st — 5th century AD)” 1,675... show more
This dataset contains supplemental data linked to the paper titled “I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st — 5th century AD)” 1,675 geo-referenced photos were acquired during multiple field campaigns to record all accessible sites and their surroundings for non-invasive ground truthing. The data is stored as a BagIt (.tar) collection (https://doi.org/10.17487/RFC8493), utilizing the EPSG:4326 (https://epsg.io/4326) coordinate reference system. The photos are provided in JPEG (https://jpeg.org/jpeg/) and HEIC formats (https://www.iso.org/standard/89035.html).
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I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones : Supplemental Materials
These supplemental materials serve as a comprehensive "user guide" for the paper "I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st — 5th century... show more
These supplemental materials serve as a comprehensive "user guide" for the paper "I Walk an Ancient Road: A Straightforward Methodology for Analyzing Intra- and Inter-regional Connectivity Systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st — 5th century AD)." The materials are designed to be easy to reproduce, readable, and understandable for all users. They are free to use, adapt, and further develop, with all relevant data sources and results linked where they are directly included as supplementary data. In cases where results are not provided here, they can be found in the corresponding paper.
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