
Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum | Open Science

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Showing entries 1 - 7 out of 7



Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Studying the ancient hinterland of a Roman province. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Berlin: ScienceOpen. 2020, Online poster publication.

Publications: Other publicationOther

Digitale Archäologie in einer sozialen Dimension: Überlegungen zu sozialer Inklusion und Open Science in der digitalarchäologischen Praxis. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Akten des 17. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften, Klassische und Frühägäische Archäologie der Universität Salzburg vom 26. bis 28. Februar 2018. ed. / Lydia Berger; Lisa Huber; Felix Lang; Jörg Weilhartner. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg, 2020. p. 121-130 (ArchaeoPlus : Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Vol. 11).

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Archäologische Georadarmessungen im Stift Göttweig. / Langendorf, Alarich; Steininger, Andreas; Lindinger, Volker et al.
Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2020. ed. / Franz Pieler; Jakob Maurer. Asparn an der Zaya: MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, 2020. p. 87.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

Digitizing the Roman Rural Landscape in Noricum: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen digitalarchäologischer Studien zum Hinterland einer römischen Provinz. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2020. ed. / Franz Pieler; Jakob Maurer. Asparn an der Zaya: MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, 2020. p. 63-70.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings


Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur römischen Besiedlung im Hinterland Nord-Noricums. / Hagmann, Dominik.
Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2019. ed. / Franz Pieler; Peter Trebsche. Asparn a. d. Zaya: Wissenschaftliche Publikationen aus den Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, 2019. p. 99-107.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Showing entries 1 - 7 out of 7

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Data related to the PhD project "Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum" may be obtained via the long term archiving system Phaidra of the University of Vienna.

Objects found (13)

Studies on the Rural Settlement in the Northern Hinterland of Noricum
Abstract on the prospective lecture at the 18th "Österreichischer Archäologietag" at the University of Graz in 2021 (postponed from 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic): The scientific analysis of the rural settlement in the northeastern hinterland of the... show more
Abstract on the prospective lecture at the 18th "Österreichischer Archäologietag" at the University of Graz in 2021 (postponed from 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic): The scientific analysis of the rural settlement in the northeastern hinterland of the Roman province of Noricum and the rural regions of the late antique Roman province Ufernoricum can be considered as ambivalent. While for the northwestern hinterland extensive and ongoing studies of Roman rural settlements allow to draw an increasingly representative picture of the ancient archaeological landscape, published archaeological data is limited for the north-eastern section: investigations used to focus on military and urban centers such as the auxiliary fort Mautern / Favianis or the municipality St. Pölten / Aelium Cetium mainly, while the rural hinterland itself receives little attention in that area. In order to deal with this situation a new PhD-project at the Department of Classical Archeology at the University of Vienna wants to process, analyze, and present the existing archaeological data on the hinterland of North Noricum in a precisely defined study area, following a landscape archaeological approach. Website: https://rrl.univie.ac.at/en/research/rrln/
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Figure 01: Schematic exploded view of selected sites according to major chronological periods ((n = 7694/updated 2020-02-20): Studies on the Rural Settlement in the Northern Hinterland of Noricum
EPSG:31256 MGI / Ausria GK East | archaeological data: Bundesdenkmalamt 2016/2020 | geodata: Land Niederösterreich; geoland.at; Land Öberösterreich; BEV 2018; Umweltbundesamt GmbH – data.umweltbundesamt.at | basemap: Esri, HERE, Garmin, ©... show more
EPSG:31256 MGI / Ausria GK East | archaeological data: Bundesdenkmalamt 2016/2020 | geodata: Land Niederösterreich; geoland.at; Land Öberösterreich; BEV 2018; Umweltbundesamt GmbH – data.umweltbundesamt.at | basemap: Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, GEBCO, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen
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Digitale Archäologie in einer sozialen Dimension: Überlegungen zu sozialer Inklusion und Open Science in der digitalarchäologischen Praxis
This paper argues that only the most open approach to digital archaeology offers the possibility of dispelling the disadvantages of integrating information and communication technologies and archaeology, such as a digital divide or a digital dark... show more
This paper argues that only the most open approach to digital archaeology offers the possibility of dispelling the disadvantages of integrating information and communication technologies and archaeology, such as a digital divide or a digital dark age. In the sense of practicing open science and providing access to as much data as possible in archaeology it is proposed not only to pay attention exclusively to scientific/technical, but also inclusively to ‘social’ parameters. The paper aims to point out that an ‘inclusive digital archaeology’ is closely related to accessibility and that pure open science can only be reached by reducing the technical as well as the social barriers.
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Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur römischen Besiedlung im Hinterland Nord-Noricums
The article deals with the author's PhD-project, which focus on the archaeological settlement activities in a precisely defined study area in the northern (now Lower Austrian) hinterland of the former Roman province of Noricum. The characteristics of... show more
The article deals with the author's PhD-project, which focus on the archaeological settlement activities in a precisely defined study area in the northern (now Lower Austrian) hinterland of the former Roman province of Noricum. The characteristics of Roman settlement in the hinterland of certain parts of the former province of Noricum are hardly known for various reasons. Above all, this becomes clear in comparison with other areas of the Roman Empire, such as the provinces of Raetia or Britain. Because of that, the idea arose to start a state-of-the-art landscape archaeologcial research project regarding Roman rural settlement in the northern part of ​​the former Roman province of Noricum in a selected study area as part of a dissertation called 'Archaeological Studies on Roman Settlements in the Hinterland of Northern Noricum' (RRLN).
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Area of Interest (AOI) und Area of Special Interest (AOSI): Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum
The study area: Area of Interest (AOI) and Area of Special Interest (AOSI) in today's Lower Austrian section of Noricum. The map shows further a representation of the geographical location of the ancient Roman province of Noricum in the Roman Empire... show more
The study area: Area of Interest (AOI) and Area of Special Interest (AOSI) in today's Lower Austrian section of Noricum. The map shows further a representation of the geographical location of the ancient Roman province of Noricum in the Roman Empire against the background of the current political borders in Europe.
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villa Oberndorf an der Melk/Gries: Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum
The site of Gries at Oberndorf an der Melk in Lower Austria within the area of special interest (AOSI): The site on the left bank of the river Melk has been identified as ancient Roman villa, based on geophysical prospections (above right: magnetics... show more
The site of Gries at Oberndorf an der Melk in Lower Austria within the area of special interest (AOSI): The site on the left bank of the river Melk has been identified as ancient Roman villa, based on geophysical prospections (above right: magnetics – data and interpretation; down right: Ground-penetrating Radar – data and interpretation).
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villa Petzenkirchen/Breiteneich: Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum
Der Fundplatz Petzenkirchen/Breiteneich innerhalb der AOSI: Am rechten Ufer der Erlauf konnten durch eine Rettungsgrabung 2017 archäologische Strukturen einer römischen villa rustica (links) freigelegt werden, die u.a wirtschaftliche Funktionen bzw.... show more
Der Fundplatz Petzenkirchen/Breiteneich innerhalb der AOSI: Am rechten Ufer der Erlauf konnten durch eine Rettungsgrabung 2017 archäologische Strukturen einer römischen villa rustica (links) freigelegt werden, die u.a wirtschaftliche Funktionen bzw. gehobene Ausstattung aufweisen, z. B. „Gebäude 2“ mit Fußbodenheizung (rechts). >>>Aktuelle Version: geringfügige Überarbeitung im Karteninhalt<<<
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Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Studying the ancient hinterland of a Roman province
Noricum was part of the Roman Empire from 15 BC to 488 AD. On the one hand, specific areas of this province, such as the so-called Danube Limes border zone of present-day Austria with its numerous military sites like watchtowers or camps, have been... show more
Noricum was part of the Roman Empire from 15 BC to 488 AD. On the one hand, specific areas of this province, such as the so-called Danube Limes border zone of present-day Austria with its numerous military sites like watchtowers or camps, have been continuously in the focus of various archaeological investigations. On the other hand, hardly anything is known about the rural settlement (e.g., farmsteads or villages). Thus, the archaeological knowledge of the utmost parts of Noricum's hinterland requires an in-depth, scientific evaluation – this applies particularly to the northern area located in the present-day federal state of Lower Austria. Consequently, the Danubian border's archaeological rural hinterland settlement activities of the Roman period's different phases are newly studied to improve the relatively low research state through the PhD-project ‘Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum’ by Dominik Hagmann. The project is a critical landscape archaeological study and focuses on the rural component in the study area, which has received little attention for various reasons so far. The project has an inclusive approach. All available archaeological sources (ranging from single coin finds to whole military camps) are taken into account in a well-defined Area of Interest to provide new insights into the rural landscape through basic research. Besides, two known farmsteads (villae of Oberndorf a. d. Melk and Petzenkirchen) serve as exemplary case studies for rural sites.
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A Controlled Vocabulary of Archaeological Features in Austria for the PhD Project Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum (RRLN-CV)
This controlled vocabulary is based on the database of archaeological features maintained by the Austrian Federeal Monuments Authority (Bundesdenkmalamt, BDA). It is based on a template from https://skos-play.sparna.fr/ show more
This controlled vocabulary is based on the database of archaeological features maintained by the Austrian Federeal Monuments Authority (Bundesdenkmalamt, BDA). It is based on a template from https://skos-play.sparna.fr/
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Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum - Sites: Roman settlement places - open dataset
To clarify the legend under point 6 in Table 2 in Hagmann, D. 2024. “Adopt, Adapt, and Share! FAIR Archeological Data for Studying Roman Rural Landscapes in Northern Noricum.” Journal of Open Humanities Data 10 (13): 1–21.... show more
To clarify the legend under point 6 in Table 2 in Hagmann, D. 2024. “Adopt, Adapt, and Share! FAIR Archeological Data for Studying Roman Rural Landscapes in Northern Noricum.” Journal of Open Humanities Data 10 (13): 1–21. https://doi.org/10.5334/johd.129: When it states "Size of the site cluster (number of find spots in the cluster)," it means a cluster in a 'Functional Region.' Thus, the cluster size indicates the number of individual sites or find spots within that particular Functional Region in the Area of Interest (AOI).
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