Roman Rural Landscapes

Roman Rural Landscapes refers to various field research projects lead by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Schörner, M.A. and his team at the Department of Classical Archeology of the University of Vienna.

Compared to the cities of the Imperium Romanum, life in the countryside is significantly less explored. Since the number of the written sources avaiable are much lower, the material culture has to be considered as the primary source for archaeological knowlede. Central questions can therefore only be clarified with the help of systematic field research.

In addition to general methodological and chronological issues various aspects of the rural life are exploredwith a particular focus on continuity and change of structures and practices in the countryside.



Sammelband zur Tagung COLUMNA TRAIANI: Siegesmonument und Kriegsbericht in Bildern – Beiträge der Tagung in Wien anlässlich des 1900. Jahrestages.


Im Sommersemester 2017 findet der Kurs "Antike in Wien" statt.


Die aktuelle Ringvorlesung im Sommersemester 2017. Eine Veranstaltung des Forschungsschwerpunktes Materielle Kultur. Ab 14.03.2017.


Wir laden recht herzlich zum public workshop über Landnutzung und Landschaftswandel in Jordanien.


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